Monday, September 3, 2012

1st Lunch of the YEAR!

Ruthie takes her lunch to school because she cannot have cow milk or she gets so constipated that she stops pooping completely and even if it doesn't go that far, it does cause discomfort in her gastrointestinal tract and affects her ability to focus and concentrate, and she gets dark circles around the eyes.  She doesn't have an actual allergy, but her body has pretty much declared that it will not tolerate or accept it.

I like to make her lunches cute.  Here is the first one I've made for the year... she'll take it tomorrow with a dora funtainer full of OJ/water (she also has a tiny hello kitty container of pretzels because there aren't a lot in the big box and in case she's hungry after school.)

Her peanut butter & grape jam sandwiches, I used food coloring (because Mommy forgot to buy the food color pens) so it is darker and the lines are thicker, are notebook paper with A+.  In the yellow Hello Kitty container she has salad and cucumber, and under her sandwich are some Phineas & Ferb pretzels

They are packed in a Betty Crocker container that I got for 50c at the grocery store and she'll carry them in her "big" lunch bag, which is an Embark bag from Target that retails for about 10 dollars.

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