Thursday, October 4, 2012

26 Days to Halloween!

Well, I failed yesterday at making a mouth with apples and banana, but I'm happy to report that my aha moment caused a success!

I realized that CELERY could be used as green teeth... which is cool for halloween... and my daughter loves peanut butter on celery and apples, so I could use it to hold them together!

In addition to her mouth of apple slices, pb, and celery, she has BOO written in cucumber twice, on skewers (sadly, these are hearts as I am still sick and so have not made unnecessary outings for things like halloween stickers to make the picks festive)  Her jack o'lantern is half an apple and celery is used for the stalk (two pieces, placed where the core was removed).

In the smaller section (with wax paper to prevent it getting too moist from sweating on the plastic container) is what is technically a ghost (the ghost of my set of cutters), but I think looks like Boogie Oogie from Nightmare Before Christmas.  Boogie/the ghost is a pizza sandwich... I had a nice stick of pepperoni and cut some of that, spread ketchup (because I didn't want to open a jar of tomato sauce... I'm lazy), and put the (dairy free)  cheese on top of each piece... and microwaved to melt the cheese.  That is how he got a little bloody... lol... because some of the sauce and cheese discolored him a bit... but I had the face on the down side so it would show.  By putting it together warm, it will stick nicely.  The bread is honey oat and it's nice and thick, so I didn't have to toast it prior to making the pizza sandwich (other, softer, breads I do this to make sure it holds shape)

I didn't show the top of her container yesterday... but here is the one for today... 

1 comment:

Kristie said...

what a cute lunch for your daughter! My son used to be allergic to dairy as well.It does help so much to make them awesome lunches so they don't feel like they're missing out on anything. Thanks for contributing this for Fancy Sandwich Friday! I love the Halloween countdown :)