Wednesday, October 24, 2012

7 Days Until Halloween!

So today is totally leftovers day.  In our house, we love chili, but two of the kids don't like it... Ruthie is one of those... so with it being toward the end of the month, but still needing lunches for her, we decided to make her and her oldest brother pizza... and made enough so that she could have some leftover for her lunch.

She has three favorites for her sides - green beans, mandarin oranges (kept separate by putting the oranges in a silicone baking cup), and halloween pretzels.  I drew faces on the pizza so they can be mummies or just smile at her for the sake of smiling, I tucked her skeleton finger puppet and a skull ring in the green beans, and there is a bat ring between the bottom two pizza slices.  In her kitty silicone mini cup, there are some candy corns.

Now, I totally meant to get a picture of her brother's (the middle child) lunch as he always takes leftover chili and thought I had, but after he left, I found out I had failed.  He had the same container as she did, with oranges and a bag of pretzels in the side, 3/4 of a can of green beans (seriously, this boy EATS) and two tupperware smidgets in the main compartment - filled with some candy corns in one and cheese to put in his chili in the other.  He had his food jar filled with chili topped with a hot sausage (he loves spicy) leftover from a couple of nights ago when we had burgers and his dad made some hot sausages.

Both kids are taking water to drink.

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