Saturday, May 14, 2011

Frenchbraid headband

All I did was section off the front area of hair... I used her natural part to separate them because her hair is only just 2" below her shoulders.  You could also part in the middle.

I started on her right - I bound each braid separately first... with longer hair, you could remove those later, but with hers, it was necessary to leave them in.

She loved this one

Quick 'do for Easter Egg Hunting with an impatient little girl

Okay, so Ruthie was NOT having the blowdryer and her hair will NOT curl with an iron if it's not dry... so please keep in mind that this was INTENDED to be done with curls.

Also, I'd been sick and NOT gone to the store... (though ironically as I sit here today, I have a piece of ribbon that would have gone PERFECTLY... it came on my mother's day bouquet of paper flowers that she gave me for Mother's day)... so I will add pics ASAP of this done with curls and ribbon to match the dress.

All I did were two braids, which I brought back to connect together... they could be braided any amount down the head... and could be brought together at a different point.  The intention was to use a ribbon to tie over the rubber band (or, if I had bought ribbon, perhaps braid it in), but there you are.

 (that is her brother behind her)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

It's been awhile... but here's a quick and easy "keep the hair out of the face" do

Okay, so it's been awhile... mostly because after my last post, I went back to school and my little model wanted her hair cut... short... we did a graduated bob that, at it's longest, was jaw level, so it has taken awhile to grow out and then be evened out again.  But now she wants it to grow out and she wants pretty things in her hair again, and with me done with all that school work (but looking for a job), we have time to blog again!

Today we went to the Dentist, so before we left, I wanted to do something quick and easy to keep her hair out of the way while she was playing and while she'd be getting her teeth cleaned.

I took the rat tail comb, went about 1-1.5" from the front of her head... and, starting at her part, I went straight down to her ear... I then just did a regular braid, braiding until I was almost out of hair from the shortest piece.

I then held it in my fingers and put them against her head to find the hair that would be just under where I wanted it to stay... and pulled a small amount (less thick than the braid) and bound them together with a band to anchor it... and voila... simple, fun, cute, and keeps hair out of the face!  She loved it and I think it will be our go-to for getting ready for school.